Motoko SDK Getting started
- ICES Motoko Library
- ICES Motoko Library example
- ICES's Mainnet canister: ydetr-mqaaa-aaaah-aa6lq-cai
IC Mainnet demo
Motoko contract project
You're required to have Vessel Motoko package manager binary installed and configured in your operating system.
Include the
vessel sources
command in thebuild > packtool
of yourdfx.json
"defaults": {
"build": {
"packtool": "vessel sources"
...Run Vessel install in your project root
vessel install
Import ICES Library
import ICES "mo:ices/ICES";
import Router "mo:ices/Router";
Register the current Canister to ICES Main (Router) Canister. Only need to register once successfully
// Register the current Canister to ICES Main (Router) Canister
public shared({caller}) func register() : async Bool {
let result = await ices.register();
switch result {
case(#ok(msg)) Debug.print("Register success :" # msg);
case(#err(errmsg)) Debug.print("emit fail: " # errmsg);
Emit event logs to ICES
- Emit Common Event logs to ICES
public shared({caller}) func emitEvent(eventKey : Text, subKey : Text
, subValue : Text) : async Bool {
// TODO Your business
let event : Event = {
key = eventKey;
values = [(subKey, #Text subValue,#Indexed)];
caller = caller;
time =;
let result = await ices.emit(event);
switch result {
case(#ok(index)) Debug.print("emit success");
case(#err(errmsg)) Debug.print("emit fail: " # errmsg);
- Emit Transations Event logs to ICES
public shared({caller}) func transfer(from: Principal, to: Principal, amount : Nat) : async Bool {
// TODO Your business
let transaction : Transaction = {
from = Principal.toText(from);
to = Principal.toText(to);
amount = amount;
let event : Event = {
key = "Transaction";
values = [("subKey", #Transaction transaction,#Indexed)];
caller = caller;
time =;
let result = await ices.emit(event);
switch result {
case(#ok(index)) Debug.print("emit success");
case(#err(errmsg)) Debug.print("emit fail: " # errmsg);
Aboout ICES Event values
- Event values is a tuple array, the first element of the Tuple is a custom subKey type Text, the second element is subValue type enum EventValue, and the third element is an enum Indexed, which is stored in the canister as a search index
- You can find the type definitions at ICES library Router
public type Transaction = {
from : Text;
to: Text;
amount: Nat;
public type EventValue = {
#I64 : Int64;
#U64 : Nat64;
#Vec : [EventValue];
#Slice : [Nat8];
#Text : Text;
#Float : Float;
#Principal : Principal;
#Transaction : Transaction;
public type Indexed = {
public type Event = {
time : Time.Time;
key : Text;
values : [(Text, EventValue, Indexed)];
caller : Principal;
This is the example repository